Why schedule a newborn session at such an early age?

Capture the Magic of Newborns: Schedule your Session at an Early Age
At Abby Nelson Photography, we understand that time seems to fly by when you have a newborn. That's why we believe it is crucial to schedule your newborn session at such an early age. By capturing those precious moments when they are tiny, we can freeze those fleeting details that change so quickly.
Babies change at an astonishing pace during their first few weeks of life. Their delicate features, the softness of their skin, their adorable little fingers and toes – all of these precious details can transform in the blink of an eye. By scheduling a newborn session early on, you ensure that you capture these moments of pure magic and preserve them forever.
Moreover, newborns are generally easier to pose when they are freshly arrived. During the first two weeks of life, babies are still acclimating to the outside world and spend most of their time sleeping. This sleepiness makes it much easier for us to gently position them into those heart-melting poses you often see in newborn portraits. Capturing those precious poses becomes more challenging as babies grow and become more alert, making it all the more important to schedule your session when they are at their tiniest.
By choosing to schedule your newborn session early, you are investing in a timeless keepsake that will bring you joy for years to come. Imagine looking back on those photographs when your child is all grown up, reliving those early moments filled with innocence and wonder. It's a beautiful way to reminisce about those fleeting days that pass by in the blink of an eye.

At Abby Nelson Photography, we take pride in our ability to create stunning newborn portraits that truly capture the essence of your little one. We are experienced and highly skilled in working with newborns. At Abby Nelson Photography, we create a relaxed and safe environment for both baby and parents. We understand the importance of taking the time to capture those tiny details and create a unique piece of art that will forever hold a special place in your heart.
So, why schedule your newborn session at such an early age? Because the magic of newborns lies in their incredible transformation and the way they capture our hearts. Don't miss the opportunity to freeze those fleeting moments and create everlasting memories. Contact Abby Nelson Photography today to schedule your newborn session and let us create a work of art that celebrates the beauty and innocence of your precious bundle of joy.